Milkomeda: Safeguarding the Mobile GPU Interface Using WebGL Security Checks

Build Milkomeda from Source

Copyright (c) 2018 University of California, Irvine. All rights reserved.

See our Milkomeda paper for technical details. Authors: Zhihao Yao, Saeed Mirzamohammadi, Ardalan Amiri Sani, Mathias Payer

This document is shared under the GNU Free Documentation License WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See for details. The build instructions are based on Google’s guide to building Chromium on Linux and The LineageOS Project’s guide to build for bullhead.

System Requirements

It is recommended to backup your system before proceeding.

Install Build Tools

To install build dependencies, Android platform tools, and repo, run:

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install bc bison build-essential ccache curl flex g++-multilib gcc-multilib git gnupg gperf imagemagick lib32ncurses5-dev lib32readline-dev lib32z1-dev libesd0-dev liblz4-tool libncurses5-dev libsdl1.2-dev libssl-dev libwxgtk3.0-dev libxml2 libxml2-utils lzop pngcrush rsync schedtool squashfs-tools xsltproc zip zlib1g-dev

Install repo and Android platform tools by running:

mkdir ~/bin; cd ~/bin
unzip -d ~/bin/
echo "# set Android SDK platform tools path" >> ~/.profile
echo "if [ -d \"\$HOME/bin/platform-tools\" ] ; then" >> ~/.profile
echo "    PATH=\"\$HOME/bin/platform-tools:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.profile
echo "fi" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile

curl > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

Get the code

You will need to create a Milkomeda home folder (e.g. ~/bullhead_milkomeda), and cd to the folder. The rest of this section assumes you are in the folder. Run:

mkdir ~/bullhead_milkomeda
cd ~/bullhead_milkomeda
repo init -u -b cm-14.1

Fetch the code by running:

repo sync

This will take a while. When it is done, run:

source build/
breakfast bullhead

Now you are ready to pull Milkomeda repositories. First, we need to get additional build tools, scripts, and prebuilt binaries by running:

# Make sure you are in Milkomeda home folder
git clone
mv ./milkomeda_tools_binaries/* ./
rm -rf ./milkomeda_tools_binaries

Next, pull Milkomeda repositories by typing:

cd external/jemalloc/
git remote add origin
git checkout 836d536
git pull origin release
git checkout 836d536
cd -

cd frameworks/native/
git remote add origin
git checkout c2e8ee8
git pull origin release
# Git will prompt a merge message. Press Ctrl-C to exit.
git checkout c2e8ee8
cd -

cd frameworks/base/
git remote add origin
git checkout 7467536
git pull origin release
git checkout 7467536
cd -

cd kernel/lge/bullhead/
git remote add origin
git checkout cdc93dc
git pull origin release
git checkout cdc93dc
cd -

cd bionic/
git remote add origin
git checkout d207f78
git pull origin release
git checkout d207f78
cd -

# Our development is based on the cm-14.1 branch (2017-08). 
# Some repositories receive updates since then. 
# We need to checkout them back to an older version to avoid compiler errors.

cd external/skia
git checkout da4a326
cd -

cd packages/apps/CMParts
git checkout 8ba6fe3
cd -

cd packages/providers/MediaProvider
git checkout 03abed5
cd -

cd packages/providers/DownloadProvider
git checkout 581eab3
cd -

cd packages/apps/Settings
git checkout 2701395
cd -

cd packages/apps/PackageInstaller
git checkout 1b36092
cd -

Build System Image

This section builds a clean system image. You must completely build it at least once before building Milkomeda programs, otherwise the compiler will complain about missing files later.

To start the build, run:

source build/
breakfast bullhead
brunch bullhead

Note: Do not flush your Nexus 5X with this build unless you have retrieved device-specific blobs. Please see The LineageOS Project’s guide to build for bullhead for a complete guide.

Note: If Jack (Java compiler) runs out of memory, run this command and reboot.

echo "export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=\"-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G\"" >> ~/.bashrc

Note: If compiling fails due to missing binaries in out/host/linux_x86/bin/, run this command and retry:

mv host/* out/host/linux-x86/bin/

Build Milkomeda Kernel

Note: Kernel must be built with unmodified bionic/ and external/jemalloc repositories. If you want to build kernel later, make sure these repository HEADs are pointed to the correct commits:

cd bionic
git checkout d207f78
cd -

cd external/jemalloc
git checkout 836d536
cd -

To start the build, run:

cd kernel/lge/bullhead/
git checkout release
cd -


Note: to run Milkomeda, you must disable SELinux (or set it to permissive mode ) temporarily. We have already set it to permissive mode in the kernel. See changes in security/selinux/selinuxfs.c.

Build Milkomeda User Space Programs

First, we need to switch the following repositories to our Milkomeda branch. Make sure you are in Milkomeda root folder. Run:

cd external/jemalloc/
git checkout release
cd -

cd frameworks/native/
git checkout release
cd -

cd frameworks/base/
git checkout release
cd -

cd bionic/
git checkout release
cd -


Build Security Checks (Optional)

We have already populated <Milkomeda home>/chr_libs with prebuilt binaries. If you prefer to use the prebuilt binaries, simply skip this section.

This section provides guides to build the Chromium WebGL security checks into dynamic libraries. Once the build finishes, you will need to copy the libraries to <Milkomeda home>/chr_libs/.

Get depot_tools

Even if you already have Chromium depot_tools, you still need to clone our repository. Get milkomeda_depot_tools by running:

git clone
cd milkomeda_depot_tools
git apply prevent_update.diff
cd ..

You might want to add the path to depot_tools to your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/milkomeda_depot_tools"

Note: do not use ~ on PATH, otherwise the later commands will fail. Rather, you should use either $HOME or the absolute path:

export PATH="$PATH:${HOME}/milkomeda_depot_tools"

Note: If you have previously installed Chromium depot_tools, you might want to update your ~/.bashrc with the new path.

Fetch Milkomeda Chromium

Create a chromium directory and cd to it (you can call this whatever you like and put it wherever you like, as long as the full path has no spaces. Below we assume the path is ~/chromium):

mkdir ~/chromium && cd ~/chromium

Run the following command to fetch the code and its dependencies:

fetch --nohooks chromium

Type n when it prompts OK to update it to ? [Y/n].

Note: fetch will clone the repository at into src. This command might take a while depending on your Internet connection. Expect a few hours.

The remaining instructions assume you are in ~/chromium/src:

cd src/

Install Android build dependencies

To install the build tools, run:

# type 'yes' if the script asks for installing dev software

These command will download additional binaries and dependencies:

echo "target_os = [ 'android' ]" >> ../.gclient
gclient sync

Setup the build

To set up a new build, run:

gn gen out/decoder

Note: this will create ~/chromium/out/decoder. You can rename decoder whatever you want, just make sure it is under out/.

Then run:

gn args out/decoder

The command will automatically open a config file with vim. Append the following lines to the file:

target_os = "android"
target_cpu = "arm64"
is_debug = false
dcheck_always_on = false
is_component_build = true

Build WebGL security checks

To build, run:

ninja -C out/decoder/ gpu/command_buffer/service:service

Note: to speed up your build, you might want to add -j flag to enable multi-thread. For example,

ninja -j16 -C out/decoder/ gpu/command_buffer/service:service

Once the build finishes, copy out/decoder/*.so to <Milkomeda home>/chr_libs/.

Install Milkomeda

Install system image

Please install a clean LineageOS cm-14.1 image. You may want to use our prebuilt image, or you can build your own (see Build System Image).

Install instructions are available here. Please follow the guide to unlocking the bootloader, Install a custom recovery, and install the .zip file using adb sideload. Please wipe the phone completely before the installation.

After a successful installation, enable Developer Options by clicking About Phone -> Build Number seven times, then enable Android Debug and ADB root access in Developer Options.

Install Milkomeda

To install Milkomeda, run:

# Make sure you are in Milkomeda root folder

Note: If you rebuild kernel, please make sure to git checkout back the Milkomeda repositories, and rebuilt them with assumes all Milkomeda binaries are up-to-date.

Note: lib65 contains binaries that we manually modified with sed. For enhanced security, the graphics libraries and most of their dependencies will use libt (a second libc loaded in the secure domain) instead of the insecure libc. A list of replaced libraries is available here.

Note: every time the framework.jar is modified, the next boot will take longer. Expect a few minutes.

Install test cases

Next, build and install OpenGL applications with Android Studio. Download the applications code by cloning:

Note: We use Android Studio version 3.1.3, SDK API level 25, and NDK version r14b. Other versions should also work, but we haven’t tested.

Note: We included a GL3JNI library path in <Milkomeda_home_path>/frameworks/base/cmds/app_process_milkomeda/shield.cpp. Please make sure you have installed GL3JNI before running Milkomeda with any other applications. To make sure we have the correct application path, please manually uninstall an application before installing it again. Alternatively, you can remove the GL3JNI library path from shield.cpp and still run other test cases.

Run Milkomeda

Switch to your Milkomeda home folder. Open a new terminal (to avoid using a different adb after a build) and run:

adb root; adb logcat

Now, close the phone’s display by pressing the side button. Open another terminal, launch a test case by running the corresponding script. You can cat the launch*.sh scripts to see which application a script will launch. Once the script has finished its execution, open the phone’s display and swipe up to unlock the screen.

source # or

For the Learn-OpenGLES-Tutorials test cases ( and, wait for around 3 seconds after the launch script has finished its execution, and then open the phone’s display and swipe up to unlock the screen.

source # or

Note: Reboot after every run.

Note: Do not use a password which will delay the screen unlock.

Note: If adb fails due to permission errors, check if you have allowed USB debug access from your machine. You might also need to enable Use USB to Transfer files from the swipe-down menu every time the phone reboots.

A Note on checkGen

If you have followed all the above instructions, congratulations, you already have a Chromium and Android source tree with all security checks in place. If you wish to port WebGL security checks from Chromium yourself, you can try our open-sourced checkGen tools:

git clone
cd milkomeda_checkgen
# Configurate your Chromium and Android path in
# Make sure your Chromium and framework/native does not have any Milkomeda commits

Create a copy of GLES2 libs by typing:

cp -r <Milkomeda home>/framework/native/opengl/libs <Milkomeda home>/framework/native/opengl/medalibs 

Now, you are ready to run checkGen:


Note: The word yaap in our code stands for Yet Another Automatic Patcher.

Note: checkGen is not production-ready. The comments in have more details on how to use the generated code.

Known issues and future work


This work (i.e., design and implementation of Milkomeda) was supported by NSF awards #1617513, #1513783, and ONR award N00014-17-1-2513.